Thursday, October 30


as normal,went to school by dad's car...
and this was the dialogue between me & dad on the way...
dad:hey,help me to buy yau char kuew,2 lo...
nah,take the money(rm2)


back to the car...
me:nah,take it...
dad:hey,i ask you to buy 2 leh...why you juz take rm1?
me:ya la..i really bought 2 for you..(show to him)
dad:huh?why so weird?nt 60cent per piece ah?
why i buy 60cent bt you buy 50cent?
unfair la..

me:oh ya!?i always pay 50cent per piece what..
normal,ntg weird..

dad:(still wondering)...
me:i guess maybe he saw im pretty lo...^^
dad:ishh(kene boom)...hahaha