but nt form4,form5 who will sitting for SPM soon...
bro,wish you all the best & past exam with flying colours...
remember to try your best!
what stuff can i do at home for this 2 months?!
sigh,two words can use to describe ,bored&enjoy...
hey,just relax and throw out entire stuff about study...
i mean just during holiday la...
overall,i guess most of our to-do-list sure including
games,movies,drama,sleep,play,etc etc..
but somehow,house chores appeared in mine...
well,today which a.k.a first day of holiday,
nothing much too say,washed bag&bla bla bla...
there is one thing which really make us headache,
pack&clear our books...
gosh,so much le!and they(books)follow me
quite a long time,T.T...really hard to say goodbye...
anyway,i have to...kk
press previous to yesterday,fulfilled with fun&laughter
as normal,playing card...lol,earn$$$...xD
before school ended,wish everyone,hug some of them too,
ash was one of them&she hug so tightly...
i asked her how is the feeling?she claimed that
im huggable compare to others..lol
there were some pictures we took
looks like maye in the hurry
why looked so sleepy?